For a deep root system and a healthy, drought-resistant lawn.
Each TerraCottem soil conditioner contains water-absorbing, growth stimulating and nutritive components. They all work in synergy to stimulate root development and plant growth, even in poor and degraded soils. The effect is twofold: you get sustainable, healthy grass growth and savings of up to 50% in irrigation water, even in challenging conditions.
TerraCottem turf is the soil conditioner for ornamental and sports grass.
Grass that has been seeded or turfed on soil in which TerraCottem turf has been incorporated will be more resistant to drought. It will stay green longer and recover better after a period of drought compared to untreated grass.
TerraCottem turf is a granular mixture based on zeolite, water-absorbent polymers, NPK fertilisers containing magnesium and biostimulants.

TerraCottem turf
Incorporated to grass for stronger and deeper root development and more resistance to drought. Grass will stay green longer and recover better after a period of drought.

When to apply?
Prior to seeding, sprigging or laying turf.
Application frequency
Just once.
- Increased water-holding capacity
- Water savings of up to 50%
- Increased CEC value
- Better seed germination
- Stronger & deeper root development
- Increased microbiological activity
- Higher resistance to diseases & drought stress
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Learn more about TerraCottem turf below